Evolutionary Thoughts

I truly never imagined that I would one day be the author of a book, let alone the author of a few books. As I take a moment to think back on the many steps that were taken in my life journey, I can clearly see the evolution of an author. Starting at a young age with a love of books, comics and stories of all kinds to formulating stories of my own.

The birth of an original idea that can potentially be made into a tale worth telling. Finding the time in a busy life overflowing with work, and kids, and some kind of social life, to tell that tale can take years. In the case of my first book, maybe fifteen years. Having the experience of consuming thousands of stories though multiple forms of media to tell the tale in an interesting way. Finding the necessary people to support, edit, and develop the tale completing a finished product.

I hope to use this blog to look back at the process and analyze, or in my case massively over analyze, the steps taken, and ideas developed while writing my books.